Monday, August 24, 2015

Wonder , why me?

I know  you know the urge to ask," God what am I doing here?" It's the most common human question to a God who speaks in mysterious ways and man most generally not understanding God's language. That my friend is called Humanity. We all being lost souls only found by the death on the cross of God's only true Son who is the Christ. What is it I a sinful lost at birth soul would have to give a magnificent savior of Jesus' statue. Just one life it's all I have. I give to Jesus as He gave me His! So tis all I have and all I can do is choose. Two paths to take tis easy to see the wide one is easy the narrow seems tough. Nothing good is ever easy. Everything good is worked hard for if its honest. All I need to remember if what I would do with my life is going to truely help someone other than me. Service is at the eye of every true servant of Jesus Christ for His whole life is service. We no matter how much in service we are could  we ever come close to being like Jesus? I think not! Oh by the way this is what a Chipmonk stuffed with sunflower seeds looks like. One of the little friends God has blessed me with.