Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yes Lord Jesus Though I was once blind now I see! So many things so clearly now that I live my life for you and not myself. Judgement was a way of life for me. No forgiveness was found in me. I really never knew how to love. I was never really taught these things as a child. I lived a life of fear in a family broken by alcohol and godlessness. Thank you Father for my grand mother "Nanna" Onita Bowman who had a love for the Lord and would talk with me about Jesus in my youth to give me some knowledge of Him. She read the gospel to me on occasion and I enjoyed it. It felt good to know that someone cared about those poor Jewish people of that day and would help them. A lot of time as a child I felt scared and helpless with everything that went on in my home with my family so I could really relate. When I was eight years old I had a school friend named Chris McKenney. His dad was the cub and boy scout master in town. His dad and mom were devout Christians and went to mid week services and prayer meetings after cub scout meetings on Wednesday nights. I was in scouts so rather than go home to the country on the bus after school Chris' folks asked if I would like to join them at their home for dinner before the meeting and my folks said ok so I did. After the meeting my dad was supposed to pick me up but was late so Mr McKenney called my mom and said they would bring me home after church and not to worry about coming to get me as no one would be there when they came. She said ok. So I went to church for the very first time. Everyone seemed so happy to see each other! And wow they really were happy to meet me! It was fun. I really didn't know the songs but really enjoyed listening. The pastor preached on starting at John 18 with the arresting of Jesus and His restoring the ear of the servant to the chief priest after Peter cut it off. Then Jesus being taken away and eventually tried, beaten, and crucified. I sobbed! I couldn't help it. My grand mother had told me before of these things but never with the boldness of cold hard truth as the pastor had spoke of it! I truly believe the Lord won my heart right then and there for good but I just didn't know and accept to have His full blessing you must live the life by picking up the cross and following Him. This I did not do. At the end of the service the pastor asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and savior to come forward I nearly ran up there. I heard Mr McKenney chuckle as I zipped past him. They prayed with me and sprinkle poured water over my head to baptize and anointed my forehead with the oil of our Father. Then everyone there hugged me and welcomed me to God's Kingdom family. I got to tell you that was one of the nicest feelings I had ever had. I felt God's love a lot. But once I was back home all that love was gone. Back to the reality that was my life. Parents that didn't love God, or each other enough to stop abusing themselves, each other, or their children. Then I grew up and repeated a lot of the same sinful living of my parents. Finally once I had pretty much ruined my life and lost everything and everyone I loved I heard Jesus' voice speaking in my heart loader and loader! Asking me are you tired of being a loser? Do you enjoy Satan defeating you? Would you like to turn this around before it's too late? So what if some people in your life won't forgive you God will if you ask in MY NAME SAITH THE LORD! I never left you I have just been waiting for you to realize who's side your on. You can't live a life of sin and know ME! You need to pick up your cross and follow me in repentance. He nagged at me thank Him and nagged at me thank the Father in heaven in my heart until I gave in. Thank you Jesus for never giving up on me! My life is free now. I used to think drinking beer and smoking pot set me free. What a bone head! They were just chains of bondage to bind me! I forgive all who have wronged me in any way for I won't have those chains binding me either. And for those that don't want to forgive me read Matthew 7 very carefully, also Matthew 18:21-22. Your very own forgiveness rests in your own hands. As does mine. Heavenly Father please bless those with peace , and forgiveness through the loving grace that can only come from You through the blessing of Your Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, that might be reached by this writing. In Your Service Lord ,in the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thank you God for the Grace you have given me. I did nothing to deserve this forgiving love you have delivered upon me but never the less you gave it to me anyway. All I had to do was ask. I am not satisfied just to be saved I want to live in your will as much as I possibly can. Please God help me to discern who is true and who is not. Some times it's easy to see Satan and his kind for who they are, sometimes they hide in the Christian rank and file, and are very deception filled. I have traveled much in my life. I have visited many churches met many pastors. Some very Godly loving men, some impostors of pastors. Only God knows the hearts of men always but you can watch their leadership tactics and the fruit they bare. I can always tell a church where God is really touching the hearts of people. They enjoy the fruits of each others talents used to praise and worship God joyfully. I can also tell a church where no one really listens to God's will, everyone feels justified in judgement of each other. Even being misled by their pastors that brother should be his brothers keeper. Which after doing they would be in total denial of. And never allowing for anyone to point out in scripture that Jesus taught the opposite in Matthew 7. Fortunately God created me with a soft heart easily broken. God tells me in my heart, if others do not care any more for you than to break your heart then they care not for my heart either, dust off your feet and walk away. I had to do this recently. It hurt but I am still involved in other ministry tasks away from that church. That's the thing God can always use you. One thing might be wrong and you have to walk away but another door will open. As long as you love God, He will love you back and find a perfect job in His kingdom for you. And to those reading this "DO NOT LET THOSE WHO WOULD JUDGE YOU MAKE YOU FEEL BAD!"Judgement is mine saith the Lord! After all their not supposed to be judging anyone anyways. Just stay faithful to Jesus and go where your welcomed and treated with love respect and dignity. There are a lot of cults out there calling themselves churches with some pretty major deceptive control issues. Most if really examined closely are just some losers using God as a means to an end. You'll see it a lot down here in the desert southwest as they like ear tickling and fleecing the snowbirds and retirees. I am praying for those that had a negative effect on my heart to feel the need of repentance for their behavior. I've had to deflect a ton of judgement of late for an ounce of question on my part. And the question on my part could have and should have been easily addressed. It was just that, I as a person meant so little to the parties in question, they just chose to persecute me.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The most powerful of Satans weapons against man GREED

As it was said by our savior in Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. AKA(money). What is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.Luke16:15 Over and over again they forget about God's Word and God's Will for His people. They have taken a nation born of Christian values of morality and God's Will for a nation to be governed under the law of God Almighty and His Word , His only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord and King. Removed God from our government , schools , public freedom of speech of His name is now coming under question as to being hate speak. And The Antichrist driven right wing Republican and Tea Parties spew their greed driven philosophy out to the masses until they have them as mystified with their charm as Satan himself has his own demons charmed. But the facts are the facts. God's Word is true yesterday , today , and tomorrow! We are closer and closer to the end time prophecy every day. As our dollar crumbles and dies and we as a nation become so weak we can't stop the United Nations take over soon to come after a total collapse of the worlds economy, and the greedy ones in a position of power and wealth manipulating and orchestrating the whole thing. When Jesus told His disciples the poor would always be among us He knew the Greed of the wealthy would always keep poor in the bondage of poverty. From the beginning God knew His sheep and He knew His goats. He knew the world and the age of the human flesh body had a beginning time and a time it had to end. We are coming to the end as prophesy has spoken. Our nation has turned it's face from God! Is turning it's back on it's disabled,elderly,and poor! And it's turning it's back on Israel and God will turn His face from our nation. So it is written in God's word, so it WILL HAPPEN! I WILL FAITHFULLY AWAIT MY LORD!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fighting Satans Strongholds

Trying to keep the spirit strong in faith,living the life God would have you live is a constant battle. We have a war going on inside us all constantly being pulled by two forces. The force of God which is good and the force of Satan which is evil. God's force is not earthly minded or worldly in nature. It is not a force of bodily cravings or desires. It is a knowledge of what is holy and righteous and the desire to please God and live the life He desires you to live. Free of all carnal nature of the flesh and not wanting the desires of the world, but with your eyes and thoughts directed on your eternal home in heaven with the knowledge of the grace the Father bestowed upon us through the death of His only begotten son Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. Through His blood we are forgiven our sins of our fleshly lives, but only if we know the Father,Son and Holy Spirit. When you accept the Lord Jesus in your heart little by little you are drawn into a never ending journey. The more I study God's word the more ways I see how Satan builds strongholds inside us to try to tear us away from God. It's worldly habits we enjoyed before turning our lives over to the Lord. Things like Smoking,Drinking Alcoholic beverages,Drugs,Swearing,Sex,Pornography,ECT. anything that is sinful and an abomination in the eyes of God. Satan will use our fleshly bodies and minds to entrap us and drive a wedge between us and God. I have struggled my way through drugs and alcohol thanks to God I have had my victory. But I am still struggling with strongholds. In my blindness of unbelief I had many and now have to grow spiritually in many ways. No matter how far I have come Lord I pray you will keep me knowing I am still a sinner and can never afford to stop working toward you. I must always remain humbly repentant and must pray to you day for assistance in breaking down the strongholds that Satan would use to bind me to him and this world that has no future for me. Dear Lord I pray you keep my eyes fixed upon you and the victory you bought for me with your blood on that cross at Calvary.I pray these things to you Father God in Jesus' Holy Name...AMEN!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Keeping the focus on my salvation

by Steven Pelkey on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 12:41pm

Nothing in this life ever surprises me. When I was young I grew up fast and wild with no sense of caring about making the right choice between the good and evil voices inside me. Came home from the military a drunk and drug abuser. Messed up relationships, got put in jail, and made enemies of many police officers. They could not change or break me with their tactics for I knew they didn't really care about me as a person they just saw me as a problem. I got to the point of being sick and tired all the time. Then one day after a miserable day at work everyone treating everyone like crap, then going to the bar after getting hammered and meeting up with stony friends in parking lot and burning weed on top of it, I went home and flopped in front of the TV. Flipped it on and who would be there but Rev. Billy Graham. Just about the first thing that happened was he turned to the camera and stared in. It seemed he was staring me right in the eye. And the first words that exited his mouth were are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? And he asked with the loving look of Jesus in his eyes. I lost it right at that moment! I heard this voice in me say," listen to the man Steven it's the truth". I sat there sobbing hanging on to every word Dr Graham said. The more he spoke the more I cried for I heard my sorry life in his words. The more I cried the better I felt inside at the time I didn't understand but later I did, I was being visited by God's Holy Spirit for the very first time. He was telling me He was right there with me consoling me. I went on that evening to pray the sinners prayer with Dr Graham and have not fallen totally away from God since. I have progressed a lot in my personal relationship with Jesus. I just love His Word! I hunger for it, and feed daily. I am now at the knowledge of total surrender to His WILL. I now spend a lot of time talking with others God points me toward trying for God's sake to give them an understanding in truth about how we are all connected and what God's Will for us truly is. People are much confused on this for the false teachings of the church. Satan has a lot of moles in the church and has tainted it to the point of confusion. People need to go by the Gospel nothing else! There is no reason for confusion! God's Word is sufficient as is His Grace! The one thing that is bringing destruction more than anything is man's overall unwillingness to surrender to God. Just like Satan overall man believes he is in control and he isn't!

The destruction of a nation

by Steven Pelkey on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 1:21pm

When our nation was first conceived and the very first, and I might add considered to be healthy to the nation as a whole, tax scale laws were written the poor carried a small burden so they could improve their position in the community. The middle class carried more of a burden because they could but not too much as to hurt their position in the community and still leaving them room to gain position in the community. Those considered wealthy carried the heavier burden for they could afford it. They did this willingly for they were in the spirit of God to do so. And because of their actions God blessed them with even more great wealth and we became the envy of every nation of the world. Then greed for way more than anyone could ever need entered the hearts of the wealthiest few. Then that idea festered into the greed and the focus on money or mammon that we see all over the world today. Gone is the ideal of philanthropy that filled the hearts of our founding fathers. Today those who have have lost their way and now serve mammon and not God. The do not want to live the life and we are in the end times it's that simple. America has turned it's face from God in many ways and will be destroyed. We worry about out side enemies and we are destroying ourselves!The worst part about the whole thing these people who perpetrate this crime upon the nation claim to be followers of Jesus' Christ our Savior and Lord. I won't judge them for I don't want their judgement to fall upon me! They WILL BE JUDGED! For Jesus said many times about their rewards!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Life in Yuma,Arizona

After becoming disabled in 2005 I have lost a lot. I have had big changes in my standard of living. I was forced to give up my house in Maine as I could no longer afford the combined cost of mortgage, insurance, upkeep, transportation, and food. Life on Social Security Disability Insurance is not easy. The small fixed income doesn't go very far. When I lived in Maine they helped some. The state payed my Medicare premium of $104 per month which helped a lot.And they also payed for most of fire wood. A charity organization brought me the rest of my wood. People in Maine really care for an try to help one another in need! I miss that. After not being able to deal with GMAC mortgage who forced foreclosure on us I had been having a lot of problems with chronic pain from Arthritis. So I had a dream three nights in a row. In the dream God was speaking to me telling me He had work for me to do in Yuma,Arizona and I was to come here to evangelize and sing for His glory. He went on to say I would feel better here in the dry desert air. So we put the resources together traded my wifes car our little fishing boat,motor and trailer, my new lawn tractor, and our pop up camper for a 30' Class A motor home. Bought a two wheeled car caddy and put my Chevy Tracker behind it and packed up.Down the road we went. First stop Michigan to spend the summer with my wifes children.We had a great time in Michigan that summer especially at Rose Lake in Tustin. What a pretty place. I just love the black squirrels. Our dog Lilo loved chasing them LOL. Visited Resurrection Life Church in Cadillac,Michigan. Great up beat praise and worship for the young and young at heart, I just loved it! They are really getting the youth set on fire for God and it is a great thing to witness. They will certainly be blessed in all their ventures as long as they stay as righteous in their focus as they were as I witnessed them. They had one thing in mind and that was being disciples and teaching discipleship We finally got to Yuma on the 9th of October 2009. Immediate culture shock! Sure wish I could speak the Mexican version of Spanish. It's like your on the out side looking in around here. Now I am the minority. It evens out a little from October to March when the Snowbirds come down from western Canada, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho,and many other northwestern locations. Most of these folks are old retired white folks a lot are fairly wealthy. Some are nice Godly folk and many are NOT! Some of them are the kind that make me ashamed of my own race! I thought there was racism in Maine and then I came here! This place breeds racism! It breaks God's heart I can feel it! I have traveled the world being a veteran and I can tell you your typical Arizonan cares much, much more for the contents in his wallet than his fellow man.I can see why God wanted me to come here to evangelize. Even the pastors in some of the churches out here are really at a loss for what God really asks of us. The churches address needs to communities elsewhere and ignore their own community where many have substantial need. The church has become so involved in the politics of the world an the divisiveness this creates in the body of Christ they are no longer following the will of God but are following their own will. If they were following the will of God the would let the Bible lead their life and ignore the world and all the ways of it. Allowing the world to go in the way God has already foretold that it will and believe upon Him for His victory and worry not!