Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fighting Satans Strongholds

Trying to keep the spirit strong in faith,living the life God would have you live is a constant battle. We have a war going on inside us all constantly being pulled by two forces. The force of God which is good and the force of Satan which is evil. God's force is not earthly minded or worldly in nature. It is not a force of bodily cravings or desires. It is a knowledge of what is holy and righteous and the desire to please God and live the life He desires you to live. Free of all carnal nature of the flesh and not wanting the desires of the world, but with your eyes and thoughts directed on your eternal home in heaven with the knowledge of the grace the Father bestowed upon us through the death of His only begotten son Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. Through His blood we are forgiven our sins of our fleshly lives, but only if we know the Father,Son and Holy Spirit. When you accept the Lord Jesus in your heart little by little you are drawn into a never ending journey. The more I study God's word the more ways I see how Satan builds strongholds inside us to try to tear us away from God. It's worldly habits we enjoyed before turning our lives over to the Lord. Things like Smoking,Drinking Alcoholic beverages,Drugs,Swearing,Sex,Pornography,ECT. anything that is sinful and an abomination in the eyes of God. Satan will use our fleshly bodies and minds to entrap us and drive a wedge between us and God. I have struggled my way through drugs and alcohol thanks to God I have had my victory. But I am still struggling with strongholds. In my blindness of unbelief I had many and now have to grow spiritually in many ways. No matter how far I have come Lord I pray you will keep me knowing I am still a sinner and can never afford to stop working toward you. I must always remain humbly repentant and must pray to you day for assistance in breaking down the strongholds that Satan would use to bind me to him and this world that has no future for me. Dear Lord I pray you keep my eyes fixed upon you and the victory you bought for me with your blood on that cross at Calvary.I pray these things to you Father God in Jesus' Holy Name...AMEN!!!